Comics Shorts: "The Truth is"

It's nice to do a short piece now and then. Something like 90 minutes for this one. Click on the image to enlarge.


Gio Paredes said…
Para pong bitin. :-(
Oh wait, bitin talaga.
Carver said…
Yah...such happens in real life, yes? :-)
Anonymous said…
So seriously funny!... Yet, so seriously true, isn't it. I hope you have better luck... if that were the message... Hahaha, kidding.
Carver said…
I know, right? I hope I have better luck making more comics! *sigh*
Anonymous said…
That was a quick one, huh. ZZZ is one story I follow, so I'm a frequent visitor/lurker. But surely, it is talent that propels the product, not luck, ne? But then again, good luck in many more areas. Seriously. *hug*
The Raipo said…
Happened to me about 3 weeks ago. Biglang sumulpot ang ex sa YM haha.

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