All it needs now is a kitchen sink.

Apple's newest addition to the gadget-envy catalog is gunning for a chunk of the smartphone market. The iPhone has all the audio and video features of the iPod, but now it can surf the internet, and lets you make calls. I really like the touch-screen user interface, a la Spielberg's Minority Report.

I've never owned an iPod, and I don't see myself getting one anytime soon. I've got a low-capacity MP3 player that runs on one AAA battery, and it gives me my audio fix at half the price. And while I like large phones with large screens, the iPhone alone screams, "Look at me! I'm expensive! Steal me!" Props to Apple's product design team for a stylish and innovative product, but its not the most practical device for me.

Oh, and no built-in camera. The sink will have to wait.

Image from


Anonymous said…
It has a 2MP camera, Carl! :) Can you hear me squealing that I want one?
Anonymous said…
Oh my! Really?! Lababo na lang pala ang kailangan! Gawsh, I can hear you all the way from here, paré!! :-D
decorator said…
All hail Apple!!!!!!

kelan dating nyan dito? bilis na!!!
glenncruz said…
"Look at me! I'm expensive! Steal me!" -- ha ha ha, you got that right! I'm not too crazy about overpriced gadgetry either...

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