It's that time of year...

...when I temporarily cease my blogging activity, really for lack of anything more to say, which is most often the case. So here's to y'all for taking some time from your busiest of schedules to read my random thoughts and sentiments. Time is money, and I feel like you all have given me a million bucks with interest. Thank you.

I don't have much plans for next year, save putting together a new book, more regular gym sessions (tummy getting large again), and a few odd things to keep my creativity running. I was invited to take an overseas trip next month, so I'm thinking that maybe traveling would be an enriching thing to do on a semi-regular basis--expand the mind, that sort of thing. (Oh, I promised my grandma that I'd visit her in Palawan again. It's been almost a decade since the last trip.)

So much to be thankful for, really. When I think about all those times when I've received a light of a miracle during a dark day, I'm reminded again of that song that goes, "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could. So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must've done something good." To everyone who went out of their way to help me, I am extremely grateful. May you be blessed as much as I have.

Oh, and for those eager beavers who're preparing to audition for the musical, break a leg or two and show 'em what divas are truly made of! I can't attend because I have work, but I'm sure it'll be fun. I have no say in who makes it to the final cast, though, so no politics there.

And since we're a month away from Christmas Day, I wish y'all a glorious Christmas and a mega-bonggeycious 2006 ever! See you in January!


c u cuz it's your birthday in january!!!! mwah!!!!!!!

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