Academic Zsazsa

Someone from the International Institute for Asian Studies (Netherlands) submitted a paper entitled: Battle of the Sex(i)es: Incorporations and Resistances in Contemporary Filipino Superhero Comicbooks, The Case of Darna and Zsazsa Zaturnnah . The person's name is Alwin Aguirre, who I'm assuming is the Palanca Award-winning scribe.

These are the sorts of write-ups I would like to read. I am aware that there are students who've used my books as subjects for their papers, yet I haven't seen any of them. I'm more interested to see those papers that take the book to the psycho-social or even socio-political levels, or dissecting the book based on literary theory, or art theory.

So if you guys know anyone who's done something of the sort, please please please I'd like to read them, for no other reason than to look at my work from a different point of view, from another vantage point. It'll be a great educational opportunity, whatever the paper has to say.


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