First Things First

Yes, I know. It's been over a month. Had that urge to sneak this in, so I might as well make the most of it.

First off, I'd like to express deepest gratitude to the following:

1) Those who've been repeatedly coming back here to check for new entries. (I must warn you again: I may be blogging less frequently from here on.)

2) Those who've been posting on the tag board. I hope you guys had a great Christmas, and I wish you all the best this 2004. Thanks for the greets.

3) To the nice folks who dropped by the C3Con last month. It was a blast seeing you all. Thanks for all your support.

4) To Gerry Alanguilan and the Komikeros for organizing, and inviting me to the San Pablo Comics Arts Festival. A wonderful experience it was.

5) To those who parted ways with precious cash to purchase the Zsazsa Zaturnnah Collected Edition and the Siglo anthology. (Though, you must admit, they made really nice Christmas gifts.)

2004: Busy Still

Got a text message from Budjette asking what my plans are for this year. Well, there's a flurry of activity for me, to wit:

1) Begin art for Vin's Twilight Empires. (Yes, Vin, I know it's been a while and I apologize. Visualizing this mega sci-fi space opera epic extravanganza isn't easy. But I'll get to it.)

2) Do more prose writing. I want to get into the habit again. After re-reading my vignettes, I find myself wondering what I was on when I did those. I'd like to challenge myself more; hopefully, I'll get a couple of short stories done before April.

3) Siglo 2004. I've committed a story for the 1940s. Let's see where that goes.

4) The Alamat Anthology. Another story commitment. I've an idea percolating in my noggin' but I'll give it a rest for a few weeks, maybe try a new art style just for it. We'll see.

5) And more writing. It seems like I won't be coming up with a solo comics project this year. I've more or less decided to finish script material for two or three graphic novels. This way, I'll only worry about the art in 2005 and 2006. Zsazsa In Manila will definitely be one of them.)

6) Fulltime job, sideline projects. Anything that boosts income is always good.

7) Getting back into shape. Whatever shape that is.

8) Moving Out. 'Nuff said.

Happy New Year everyone! It may be election year, but I do hope y'all have a stress-free and prosperous time!


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