
Films I've recently seen are:

The Hours
(Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore; directed by Stephen Daldry)
Kidman, with her prosthetic nose, is Virginia Woolf in the early 1920s writing her great novel Mrs. Dalloway. Moore is Laura Brown, an American housewife in the 1950s who reads the novel. Streep is Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway in the year 2001. This Oscar-nominated drama subtly dissects the nature of happiness when subject to restrictions dictated by society or the self. It's one of them talkie films, and I like talkies.
My Rating: 8.5 out of 10

El Crimen del Padre Amaro
(Gael Garcia Bernal, Ana Claudia Talancon; directed by Carlos Carrera)
The most unapologetic portrayal of the Catholic priesthood I've ever seen. (Okay, so the last one I remember watching was The Priest.) This Oscar-nominated film from Mexico depicts Padre Amaro's struggle to keep true to his faith and vocation, yet having to compromise that with his weakness as a human being. A wonderful ensemble, where even the minor characters get a good share of depth and exposure. Another talkie film.
My Rating: 9 out of 10

(Ben Affleck, Jennifer Gardner, Colin Farrel, Clarke Michael Duncan, directed by Mark Steven Johnson)
Umm... It has its moments, but my rating says it all.
My Rating: 6 out of 10

Female Power (A Schizophrenia of Sound)

While working on Ang Kagila-gilalas na Pakikipagsapalaran ni Zsazsa Zaturnnah, I listen to three studio compilations. Over and over and over.

1) Scarlet's Walk (Tori Amos) - Not her best work, but it's got enough to give me my Amos fix. Favorite cuts here are Carbon, Your Cloud, and Scarlet's Walk

2) Stripped (Chirstina Aguilera) - You need a pick me up? Apart from the cut Beautiful, there are other self-affirmation ditties on this one. Try out Soar and Singing My Song. But my fave is Get Mine, Get Yours, a sexy declaration of carnal desires.

3) Exposé Greatest Hits (Exposé) - I just love this trio. This compilation of the premiere girl group from the late 80s has proven its timelessness in my ears. I love their songs When I Looked At Him and As Long As I Can Dream, but the compilation only has the former.


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