Printable Resolution Tracker: Stick To Your Resolutions

Happy New Year! I've been hit-and-miss with my New Year's Resolutions so I decided to make this. I'll see if it works for me. You're invited to download and print this and see if it works for you.

For each sheet you print out, you basically write down a resolution--for instance, eat one cup of rice per day--and commit to that resolution for one month only. For each day of success, you mark a box. Your target for the month is ten boxes, but better to go for more.

After one month, evaluate your experience and your results, then see if you want to give it another go for the next month.

It's not schedule-based, but frequency based, which should make it easier. What's important is that it gets done, whatever time of the day, whatever day.

What do you think?

Click on the image to enlarge, then right-click to save. Enjoy! :-)


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