Where was Britney?

Seeing Britney Spears' awkward live performance (reportedly her first in six years) at the recent MTV Video Music Awards was painful to say the least. Granted, she got back a few of the curves, but I wonder where her heart was during her lackluster production number. As my co-worker Tisha said, Britney looked like she was just going through a rehearsal. Never mind that the skimpy outfit was typical and didn't flatter her in any way. The energy one would expect from her was absent.

You've got to admire her, though, for enduring all the crap she's been through (though a lot of them were of her own doing). She's been trampled on from all sides, so her misfire at the VMA could simply be like a mosquito bite.

Her newest single "Gimme More" didn't sound like a winner, however. It was typical Britney--I expected more from a comeback single. Perhaps something with a little more edge or maturity, a "wow" factor that tells the world how serious she is in getting back to form. As it stands, "Gimme More" doesn't change her image, an image that's in great need of an overhaul. She's asking for more of the same thing, really.

If you wanna see her electrifying early performances at the VMAs, click here for a "medley."


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