If Anyone Should Ever Write My Life Story
For Whatever Reason There Might Be

During one of the gang’s Holy Week trips to faraway Linden Suites in Ortigas Center, I wrote a wee vignette on a loose piece of complimentary pad about an episode in my life way back in high school. This involved a friendship, martial arts classes, graduation practice, and an admittance of affections. I let Vin read it for his feedback.

Indie director Noel Lim then called. Under a strange cosmic influence, Vin read my vignette over the phone, which consequently sent Noel’s creative juices a-flowing. Now, I “slightly” owe Herr Lim a screenplay for Project: Green Palm. I had already given him a sequence treatment, but I’ve yet to begin writing the thing.

An indie flick based on one of my life’s chapters. How . . . charming


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