Feeling Stoopid

Last night, I dropped by Comic Quest - Megamall to deliver more copies of Zsazsa #1 (something that has become a bi-weekly habit) and, surprisingly, more copies of One NIght In Purgatory. Thanks to Zsazsa, interest in my first book has upped a bit.

So there I was with Vinnie, Dean, and Jason. Alex arrived later. Vinnie had this book called "What Do You Know" or something like that, one of 'em brain-mashing quiz books that only seeks to make you realize 1) how much useless information you know; or 2) how stupid you are compared to your friends who know a lot of useless information. I use the term 'useless' loosely, of course. For some folks, knowing who wrote Pinocchio or that Zambia and Zimbabwe were once known as Abyssinia could actually spell the difference between life and death.

Dean and Alex, being the bibliophiles that they are, knew a lot.. They answered a whole bunch'a obscure questions which made me think, "Boy, you must have been really lonely when you were kids.". I just contented myself with reading out the questions because I didn't want to feel stupid being on their side of the fence. But I've managed to pick up a few things -- haven't heard the name Guglielmo Marconi in a while. You learn something new, however useless, everyday.


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